Support to the actual execution of the Implementation Plan for Photovoltaics of the SET Plan and monitoring the Implementation Plan’s delivery

Developing and enhancing PV Manufacturing Technologies to produce PV components that maximize systems’ efficiency and competitiveness but also guarantee the lowest possible environmental footprint is key to EU’s energy transition.

This PV Impact event succesfully managed to bring 12 manufacturing actors together to share their knowledge on the latest trends and to find opportunities for future collaboration.

The event opened with an introduction of the PV Impact project, followed by presentations by EU manufacturer Photowatt and SolarPower Europe on the European Solar Initiative and the Solar Manufacturing Accelerator. Presentations were then followed by a session organized around one-to-one networking meetings, where participants held a series of 7-minute conversations with each other. These dynamic interactions allowed them to communicate the essential information about their plans and ambitions and to identify whether the person opposite to them had an initiative they would like to be part of.

Interactions were ranked by the participants in order to identify the best project idea and the most collaborative partner. Based on this ranking, the PV Impact consortium awarded Dominique Coster from IMEC and Martin Rivadeneira from the Danish Solar Energy Ltd. - Dansk Solenergi ApS with the winning prizes. The winners will count on the consortium’s support and mentoring to look for the necessary resources and funding mechanisms to develop the project proposals.



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