Support to the actual execution of the Implementation Plan for Photovoltaics of the SET Plan and monitoring the Implementation Plan’s delivery

PV Impact organized a dedicated workshop on PV manufacturing financing in Europe, with a focus on the IPCEI tool (Important Project of Common European Interest) on 28 November 2019 in Brussels.

The objective was to have an accurate view on the criteria and opportunities for an IPCEI and discuss about its potential application for a project proposal within the PV value chain.

This workshop was organized with the support of the European Solar Manufacturing Council (ESMC), the European Technology & Innovation Platform for Photovoltaics (ETIP-PV) and the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA).

The call for participation targeted industrial companies and research centers having potential project proposals that could be developed under an IPCEI. Representatives of the European Commission (DG COMP, DG GROW, DG RTD, DG ENER) were also invited to be part of the discussion.

The results of the workshop are summarized in the following report.



This workshop is organized in collaboration with

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