Support to the actual execution of the Implementation Plan for Photovoltaics of the SET Plan and monitoring the Implementation Plan’s delivery

PV Impact will track whether improvements in the performance of PV technology are keeping pace with expectations and will make recommendations to European funding authorities on how they can play their part in putting European PV technology back to the top of the class if it is falling behind.

PV Impact will:

- identify current SET Plan country public spending on PV R&D and model it to 2030 based on three scenarios digging into databases of national funding;
- estimate SET Plan private spending on PV R&D and prepare recommendations to policymakers based on the former
- (with IWG members’ help, if necessary) scour funding databases in order to report on the nature of Implementation Plan-associated projects at portfolio level.


PV Impact Database

The figures show the following information coming from the PV Impact Database (status end of June 2021)

  • Mapping of TOTAL budget captured by PV IMPACT. Value in million Euros
  • TOP IP Activity relative to TOTAL budget. The intensity of colour gives an indication on the share of the overall budget for the TOP IP topic.